
iRecord Software (iRecord InfoTech Solutions Private Limited) makes every effort to avoid errors, omissions, mistakes, discrepancies and inaccuracies in the generation of all iRecord Software reports. However, please note that iRecord does not, in any way, or by any means guarantee the accuracy of reports generated in iRecord Software.

The accuracy of reports in iRecord Software is subject to the accuracy of data either imported or manually entered in iRecord Software by users/clients, as well as the accuracy of current/historical prices provided by third-party data providers.

Computation of capital gains in iRecord is as per Income Tax rules and can be complex in case of unawareness of functioning logic. Accuracy of capital gain reports in iRecord Software is subject to the accuracy of historical prices (Fair Market Value - FMV) as of January 31, 2018.

The Turnover and Audit Report (Section 44AB) under the iRecord Software’s F&O segment is provided for informational purposes only. The accuracy of this report is subject to the accuracy of imported transactions as well as adherence to the proper Mark-to-Market (M2M) process by iRecord Software users.

If any mistake, error, omission, discrepancy, bug or inaccuracy in current prices, historical prices or FMV is noticed in any report, it may be brought to our notice for immediate correction. The delivery shall be done for the same as intimated to the user/client by iRecord InfoTech Solutions Private Limited.

All iRecord Software users are advised to themselves verify the accuracy of their iRecord reports. Users are also advised to verify their capital gain reports generated in iRecord Software with their advisors, consultants or Chartered Accountants before filing Income Tax Returns.

iRecord Software (iRecord InfoTech Solutions Private Limited) will not be responsible for any financial loss, damage or inconvenience to anyone, of any kind, in any manner, resulting due to mistakes, errors, discrepancies, bugs or inaccuracies in iRecord reports, computations & import processes.

Please Note: iRecord InfoTech Solutions Private Limited shall attend and take a consideration of arguments, concerns and feedbacks only if it aligns with/from the above highlighted/briefed points.

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